Switchly Contextual SEO Link Building

Get Awesome In-Content Links to Boost Your Site’s Search Engine Ranking

What Is Switchly Contextual
SEO Link Building?

Switchly Contextual SEO Link Building is a service that places links to your website on top-level properties (for ex: WordPress, Blogspot, etc.) with high domain authority across the internet. These contextual links earn you high credibility and popularity with search engines and develop your website’s relevancy.

With this service, you can rank your website, in less time, for less money than ever before. Backed by data from 1000’s of SEO campaigns, Switchly’s Contextual SEO Link Building program works, no matter the industry or competition.

In order to rank in search engines, you need to establish link authority and link volume; We do this by executing two campaigns – an Authority Campaign and a Link Campaign.

The Authority Campaign

The first thing you need in order to rank is Link Authority, which is the degree of trust and authority a link from a website has. We start by first creating mini-authority top-level properties on high authority blogging sites like WordPress, Blogspot, & Tumblr that link back to your website.

These properties serve as the seed for our viral structure and are optimized with relevant, original articles, videos, and pictures. We want them to be filled with quality and relevance for your subject matter.

Now it’s time to make them go viral!

When an authority site posts an article, other sites immediately begin writing responses that link back to it. We simulate exactly that. We create a viral link structure that pushes link juice up through 3 layers; Web 2.0 Websites, Social Bookmark Websites and Profile Links. This boosts the authority of the top-level site and in turn funnels all of that increased link authority to your website.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I get to approve topics?

Yes! We research and confirm topics popular in your niche that will attract your target audience. Then we send them to you for approval. We want to make sure we hit the nail on the head every step of the way!

Can I approve the articles?

Definitely! We send you drafts of each article for your approval. You can send it back for edits as many times as you’d like.

Can you write about my industry?

Yes! Our process is journalistic in nature – We investigate high-quality sources for content and create a cohesive article based on facts, figures, and actionable advice.

Are these posts SEO optimized?

Yes, 100% – These articles are created to bring more traffic to your blog! This starts from the very beginning. We look for popular topics in your niche (by number of shares, number of comments, keyword popularity, etc.) to make sure what we write is going to be a perfect fit for you, before we even start writing. When we post to your blog, we will also optimize the post with an SEO title, description, short URL, and keywords.