Premium Blog Writing Service

The EASIEST Way to an Amazing Blog

Why do I need a blog?

Blogging is an easy way to promote your business, establish yourself as an authority in your industry and engage potential clients or customers. Not only can you attract new customers, a blog is a great way to continue engaging with current customers to keep the relationship going strong. Looking to boost your ranking in search engine results? Producing consistent, content rich articles will signal to search engines that you have a current, up to date website and reward you with a higher placement.

Blog Writing Service

Switchly Premium Blog Writing Service is the easiest way to get great articles posted to your blog and on your schedule. You don’t have to come up with topics, write it yourself or find someone to write it for you. Just like Switchly’s stress free website service, we can do your blog writing for you, too!

Our blog writing service creates relevant, researched, high quality, professional articles for you and posts them to your blog.

High Quality

1000+ Words

U.S.A. Based Writers

Custom Content

How It Works

Step 1

Sign Up

It’s as easy as that. Just get with your project manager and let them know you’re interested in our Blog Writing Service. We’ll then get to work researching your business, industry and what makes you unique and then come up ideas for awesome blog posts.

Step 2

Approve the Topic(s)

Once you sign off on the topics we present to you, our 100% native English speaking, vetted writers will take your approved topics and craft a well-written article that your audience will love.

Step 3

We Post To Your Blog

We’ll post your article(s) to your blog with your permission, and based on the schedule you want, for a totally hands-free experience.

High Quality, Relevant Posts

Our quality content based on your subject matter will make it easy for prospects to start finding you, instead of
old school methods of cold calling and pounding the phones to get somebody to listen.

Our high-quality posts will educate, inform and draw in prospects to your website every month.

Premium Blog Writing Packages

1 Blog Post

Per Month $70
  • High Quality Articles
  • Topic Ideation
  • Vetted Native English speaking writers
  • SEO Optimization
  • Unlimited Revisions
  • Clean HTML Formatted
  • 1 Stock Image Included
  • Articles Posted Directly To Your Switchly Blog
Best Deal

2 Blog Posts

Per Month $130
  • High Quality Articles
  • Topic Ideation
  • Vetted Native English speaking writers
  • SEO Optimization
  • Unlimited Revisions
  • Clean HTML Formatted
  • 1 Stock Image Included
  • Articles Posted Directly To Your Switchly Blog

3 Blog Posts

Per Month $200
  • High Quality Articles
  • Topic Ideation
  • Vetted Native English speaking writers
  • SEO Optimization
  • Unlimited Revisions
  • Clean HTML Formatted
  • 1 Stock Image Included
  • Articles Posted Directly To Your Switchly Blog

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I get to approve topics?

Yes! We research and confirm topics popular in your niche that will attract your target audience. Then we send them to you for approval. We want to make sure we hit the nail on the head every step of the way!

Can I approve the articles?

Definitely! We send you drafts of each article for your approval. You can send it back for edits as many times as you’d like.

Will you post to my blog?

Of course! We will post the approved article to your Switchly blog for no additional fee. We can also submit as a draft if you want to check it out before we go live.

Can you write about my industry?

Yes! Our process is journalistic in nature – We investigate high-quality sources for content and create a cohesive article based on facts, figures, and actionable advice.

Are these posts SEO optimized?

Yes, 100% – These articles are created to bring more traffic to your blog! This starts from the very beginning. We look for popular topics in your niche (by number of shares, number of comments, keyword popularity, etc.) to make sure what we write is going to be a perfect fit for you, before we even start writing. When we post to your blog, we will also optimize the post with an SEO title, description, short URL, and keywords.